Press Releases

Supreme Court Brief Filed in Support of Choose-Life License Plate

Independence Law Center asks high court to stop censorship of “offensive” speech (HARRISBURG, PA) - The Independence Law Center, in conjunction with Jonathan D. Christman of Fox Rothschild LLP, filed a brief on February 13, 2015 with the U.S. Supreme Court on behalf of Children First Foundation, a pro-adoption nonprofit that has been promoting its mission through specialty “Choose Life” license…

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Supreme Court Affirms Nation’s Commitment to Religious Liberty

Independence Law Center hails victory for Lancaster company Conestoga Wood Specialties in abortifacient mandate case (HARRISBURG, PA) - Today the United States Supreme Court affirmed our nation's historic understanding of religious liberty by providing an exception to the abortifacient mandate that had been handed down by the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) as part of the Affordable…

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